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The authorization process

Authorization on Sankaku Complex can be performed in two ways:

  • via access token
  • via credentials (login and password)


It is not necessary to login into Sankaku Complex at all. You are free to send requests to server as unauthorized user, but in that case some methods will be unavailable to you (e.g. get_favorited_posts(), get_favorited_books() etc.).

Authorization via access token

The following code block shows how to login into account using access token:

import asyncio
import os
from sankaku import SankakuClient

async def main():
    client = SankakuClient()
    await client.login(access_token=os.getenv("ACCESS_TOKEN"))
    # We're using virtual environment variables to prevent
    # private data from accidentally leaking.

    # ... Continue to work with API

Authorization via credentials

Authorization method by credentials is the same as in previous example, but now user should pass two arguments to login() method:

import asyncio
import os
from sankaku import SankakuClient

async def main():
    client = SankakuClient()
    await client.login(
        login=os.getenv("LOGIN"), password=os.getenv("PASSWORD")

    # ... Continue to work with API


If authorization was successful, server will return response with serialized json data which will be processed by pydantic. After that user profile model will be passed to client.profile and all further requests to Sankaku servers will be performed on behalf of logged-in user.